Monday, March 10, 2008

I am emotional eater

I've tried to deny it, I like thinking that I am in control. I eat when I'm stressed, tired, bored, worried, angry, actually any emotion could send me to the fridge, pantry, storage room, any where I keep (hide) food.

So, in the spirit of "Keep moving Forward" I am going to be looking for other ways to deal with stress. I just wonder who actually thinks "I can't take it anymore, forget the M&Ms I'm going for a walk." I find myself thinking "I can't take it anymore, where are the M&Ms? Oh, yeah I don't buy those because I will eat too many, let's see what else I can find. I could go for a walk, but that would mean putting on different shoes that don't really go with this outfit. Plus, I already worked out today so its ok to eat this (fill in the blank)." Anyway I am really going to try. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again expecting a different result. I want a different result so I need to do something different. Now that I've put it out there I'll be more likely to follow through (see how I used a positive statement-winning outcome)

If you really want a laugh today check out my brother's blog. The "One semester Spanish, Spanish love song" its hilarious.


Paul, Annabell, and Kidlings said...

Em- You're an inspiration to me! There's no perfection-it's just keep trying.

Tori said...

I can, and have eaten an entire LARGE bag of m&ms. Is this a gene thing? =) I need to get out and move around instead of sit on my ever growing behind and eat those m&ms. I've got to be better, especially if I plan to get into a bathing suit this season. I wish I lived a little closer. Having a someone to help motivate me would be great. Love ya, Tori