Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm coming around

I've got some things on my mind that I want to take a minute to write down. I've been on a kind of journey lately. For the last year, plus I've been trying to get control over our finances. Little tricks I used to use stopped working, and I needed to reevaluate and make some changes. I asked a good friend for some tips and have saved and used them, it really helped get me pointed in the right direction. I stopped being afraid of those lessons in church and conference talks about living providently, and opened up to what I could learn and use. I have read books, talks, anything that could give me inspiration and renew my commitment to this. I decided to read the Book of Mormon looking for more inspiration and guidance. It has been a long journey, but we have had our best month (financially) in years, at least since we moved into our house-and we have lived here for 9 years. I have found joy in living simply. I can be creative in finding solutions. I think the economy has made it easier for me to just flat out say "I can't afford it", people are being more honest, we're all trying to do better. I still have a long way to go, this requires constant diligence. One of the things I keep telling myself is that; if I can figure out how to manage my weight (something I once thought impossible) I can figure this out, and with a lot of prayer and faith I think I am.

Another thing. I love homeschooling my kids. Every once in a while feelings of insecurity creep in and I wonder if I'm doing enough, if my kids would be better off back in school. I feel like I am turning a corner. I am starting to have more faith in the process, and the method I have chosen. I think part of what is helping me is seeing the results in my kids. They are doing great and really love to learn, especially when I get out of the way, and try to follow their lead. Shelby is working on a model of the Solar System, how cool is that? I think we'll tackle trig. tomorrow, or maybe build a jet engine or a windmill that will power our house. But seriously, I am also seeing a need for me to study more. I have been reading a lot of mindless stuff lately and its time to put that aside and get back to stretching my mind so that I can better inspire my kids in their studies.


Kelly Hill said...

You're always a great inspiration, Girl. Way to go. Great thoughts - I appreciate them.

Melanie said...

Way to go!

I was talking to your girls about school when I was up there last. I'm trying to figure it out. (If where still here when Jackson starts school I'm going to seriously consider it.) It seems to be going well, at least from their point of view.

I still think the best solution for us is to enroll Jackson in your school. But if the waiting list is to long, I'll settle with just learning how you do it. :)

Tori said...

I think you're awesome Em!

Becky Jones said...

I have thought about you the last few months as I've gone on my own journey to get my weight under control. You have really been an inspiration to me. Now if I can keep it off like you have! and hopefully lose some more.

Anonymous said...

Way to go girl! You can accomplish anything when you include faith and prayer. Keep it up. I think you're awesome! By the way, how did you get your 3 column layout? I've been wanting to do it for awhile now.