Thursday, April 17, 2008


Does this look like happiness? I'm not sure it does, but this was our life the last couple of days. We were dog sitting my sister's dogs; Mary-the black one, and Wicket-the puffball. Four dogs in our little house is a lot of dog. Fortunately I live with the "Dog Whisperer" Darren loves dogs, and has read a lot about dog behavior, so he worked really hard with the dogs to get them to all assimilate into one pack. You may notice from the picture that they are still divided. Our dogs are with Darren, and Mike and Tiff's dogs are on the other side of the bed, with me as the divider. There was fighting and throwing up and even a little blood, but overall I would say it went really well. Darren did a great job of showing them who was boss, and getting them to live peaceably together. By yesterday Keno could walk past Mary without fearing for his life, pretty good progress for only two days. Part of the reason for this madness, other than Mike and Tiff going out of town, was that when they sell their house they will come to live with us, (dogs, Carter and all) while their new house is being built. This was practice for us and the dogs.

So, Garrett how did I do on my punctuation? I spent a lot of time working on commas. Am I just being paranoid?


Anonymous said...

Wicket - like the Ewok from Star Wars? Okay, I'm a Star Wars nerd. What can I say.

Tori said...

Wow Em. You guys are brave. That is a lot of dogs. One for each of you to wrangle.

Tiffanie said...

Thanks so much for taking them while we were gone! I am glad you live with the "dog wisperer", or there could have been serious trouble.

garrett said...

Oh, I'm totally guilty when it comes to excessive comma use... and I don't read things like blogs for punctuation and spelling!! Feel free to do whatever you feel is best. But if you need help with a dissertation or proposal, I'll scrutinize a little more. ;-)

On a more related note, how did all my sisters become dog people??