Saturday, April 12, 2008

Inspiration-"Saturday Sentiments"?

ok, I know its been April Fool's Day on my blog for almost two weeks, but I haven't been able to think of anything to post. Sarah had her Dinosaur Birthday party today, and maybe I'll post pictures about that later on, but that is not what has been on my mind to write about.

I'm starting to think there are some things that I like about getting older. I like that I have more confidence in decisions that I make, especially when its a decision I have made with guidance from my Heavenly Father. I just think I have a better perspective. That being said sometimes I forget, and get caught up in thoughts that aren't productive, if fact down right destructive. So, I thought I would start to write about things that inspire me, or bring me happiness. I want to do this for myself so that on those days I forget I can look back at what makes me happy, what inspires me and get back on track faster. I love Jenny and Kelly's weekly posts; Flashback Fridays, Friday Favorites, Tell all Tuesdays, you get the idea. The problem is I can't think of anything catchy to call this, there isn't a day of the week that starts with "I". Today I am calling it "Saturday's sentiments" since its Saturday, but any ideas about what to call my personal inspirations would be helpful.
Here we go:
  1. I am reading "Little Men" my purpose for reading this book is to learn from Jo (for those of you that may be familiar with "Little Women). What kind of a queen(all women, especially mothers) she is in her home. The thing that has really struck me this week is Jo has a Sunday closet full of things the boys like and can do quietly. She says "I want my boys to love Sunday, to find it a peaceful, pleasant day, when they can rest from common study and play, yet enjoy quiet pleasures, and learn in simple ways, lessons more important than any taught in school." I have been thinking all week what could be in a Sunday closet for me. We have church at 3:00, and that has been such a struggle for me. I hate that we lay around pretty much all day, then go to church, come home have dinner and put the kids to bed. That doesn't seem like what Sunday was meant to be. I, like Jo, want my kids to enjoy Sunday. I just don't want them to enjoy it doing nothing. We try to watch Church movies, but I think watch those all day can be overkill. I've been thinking about a family walk (if spring ever comes). I have really been inspired to think of ways to help my family enjoy the real spirit of the Sabbath.
  2. Last night I went to see the Emma Smith Movie with some good friends. To read about the adventure of the evening visit Kelly's blog. I loved that movie. I loved seeing some of the places that we visited last summer in Kirtland and Palmyra, it was fun to watch it and think "I've been there." I was really inspired by Emma and how faithful she was, she struggled, but never lost faith. I was also reminded of how much the 25th section of the Doctrine and Covenants means to me. When I was in college I belonged to the LDS sorority, and each year we would award a woman in the community the "Elect lady" award. I was always inspired by these women and Emma Smith was the original Elect Lady. When I was first married I used to study this section all the time looking for inspiration in becoming a better wife, I was reminded last night that it had been a long time since I had read that section. Last week I attended a training in Salt Lake for Primary and Elder Madsen of the seventy talked about music and the power that music has to control our thoughts, and actions. All of these things seem to come together in this one section of the D&C. The group of women I was with while I watch this movie made it even more special.
Wow! this is a really long post. So I guess I can save other thoughts for next time.


Kelly Hill said...

I still think "Saturday Sentiments" is great. I understand what you mean about it not always being sappy, although I'm not exactly sure what's so wrong with getting weepy over porch pillows. Whatever! Anyway, here is what I've come up with:

"Monday Meditations"
"Meditative Monday"
"(Any day of the week) Reflections"
"Thoughtful Thursdays"
"Thursday's Thoughts"

If you don't want to be tied down to a specific day then maybe reflections would be good. Just some ideas.

em said...

Thanks Kelly. I've been wondering where you've been the last couple of days.

Anonymous said...

All of Kelly's ideas are great. I do like Saturday Sentiments if it is always on Saturday, of course. Thank you for your thoughts. Continue sharing. I gain strength and confidence to continue pressing forward from hearing other's thoughts. I know I am not the only one who feels this way.